24/7 Emergency HVAC Repair
Florida State License #CMCA48033
Florida State License #CMCA48033

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Why DIY AC Installation Might Cost You More in the Long Run

October 18, 2023 Parvez No Comments

In the age of DIY projects, it might be tempting to undertake the task of AC installation yourself, especially with the numerous tutorials available online. However, statistics reveal that DIY AC installation might not be as cost-effective as you think in the long run. Firstly, improper AC installation can reduce efficiency by up to 29%, […]

Avoid These AC Installation Mistakes for a Chill Summer!

October 17, 2023 Parvez No Comments

A staggering 90% of AC units are incorrectly installed (Energy Star), highlighting the gravity of ensuring proper AC Installation. Mistake 1: Wrong Size Units. Nearly 75% of HVAC technicians fail to consider home size, volume, and shape during AC Installation (ACCA). This negligence leads to inefficiency and increased costs. Avoid it by insisting on a […]

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect AC Unit

October 16, 2023 Parvez No Comments

Breeze Through the Heat: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect AC Unit for Your Sanctuary When the mercury starts to rise, and the discomfort of the summer heat creeps into our homes, an air conditioning (AC) unit isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity for comfort and wellbeing. However, the journey to acquiring the right […]