24/7 Emergency AC Repair
Florida State License #CMCA48033
Florida State License #CMCA48033

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Why Orlando’s Soaring Temperatures Make AC Replacement Inevitable

Why Orlando’s Soaring Temperatures Make AC Replacement Inevitable Orlando, fondly called the “City Beautiful,” is no stranger to sizzling temperatures. The city’s subtropical climate has long been a subject of discussion, especially considering how it affects our everyday comforts, namely air conditioning. But have the soaring temperatures reached a point where AC replacement has become […]

Top 5 AC Repair Nightmares and How to Avoid Them

Air conditioning units are lifesavers, especially during sweltering summer months. However, without proper care, they can become sources of major hassles. Here are the top 5 AC repair nightmares, backed by data, and how to steer clear of them. System Breakdown During Peak Heat: 43% of AC units break down because they’ve been overworked during […]